
Waverley Life Activities Club Inc

Movie & Lunch at Pinewood

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View sessions
Pinewood Cinema, Pinewood Shopping Centre, Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley

Convenor: Maureen 0414905860

We meet at Pinewood Cinemas, Mount Waverley on the 1st, 2nd or 4th Wednesday in March, May, July, September and November.  Please check with Convenor the date of the session as it can change.

The show starts at 10 AM so come a bit earlier so you can park your car and get a parking ticket from the theatre which will allow you to park for the duration of the movie and lunch.

After the movie, Pinewood provide a sandwich lunch of 6 points, a cake and coffee / tea, to be eaten while you are seated in the theatre.

The cost of movie and lunch is $20.00. Its a good way to enjoy a movie and socialise while having lunch.

Contact the Convenor if you are interested

Dates are variable, so please contact the Convenor for the correct date


There are no scheduled sessions.
